About Us

Krewe de Tech is a group of users helping each other gain a better understanding of personal computing technologies and how to use them in productive ways.

Founded in 2017 as a Louisiana nonprofit corporation, and certified IRS 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization, Krewe de Tech is run by member volunteers from the Greater New Orleans area.  Krewe de Tech is the successor to the New Orleans Personal Computer Club which operated from the early 1980’s through late 2017. As technology changed, so did the needs of our members.

Members and guests meet the first Tuesday of the month at the Jefferson Parish East Bank Regional Library. The meeting begins with club business, announcements, and a few technical questions.  Followed by a discussion lead by club members or outside guests knowledgeable about the topic selected for the meeting.

The New/Intermediate Special Interest Group meets the second Tuesday of the month at the Jefferson Parish East Bank Regional Library in a round-table discussion of current, and emerging technology subjects, as well as solving technical issues distressing one or more of those in attendance.

Krewe de Tech